The abandoned Abbey of Saint-Mathieu, or the ruins that still breathe
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We can say many things about the history and design of the abandoned Abbey of Saint-Mathieu, and we surely won’t forget to mention them later. There is but something even more enthralling about the place – this is its captivating vibe, authentic spirit, and majestic vitality that will instantly reel every visitor’s senses.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu is about what you see, but even more about what you feel. So here is what we witnessed, what we experienced, and how we endured it.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu – history, and essence

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu was once a Breton monastery, the ruins of which are nowadays found in the commune of Plougonvelin on Pointe Saint-Mathieu. The landmark is located in the department of Finistère – a part of Brittany France.

According to an old local fable, the original monastery was established on the spot by Saint Tanguy as far back as the 6th century. The place was dedicated to Saint Matthew the Evangelist; it stored his relics, and its walls housed his skull. It later remained undestroyed during the Roman times and was fully revived by the Maurists sometime during the 17th century. 

The remains of the ancient abbey are being watched over by a stunning newly built lighthouse, which further supplements the enigmatic atmosphere.

The situation and natural surroundings of Saint-Mathieu Abbey

As if the ruins themselves are not dramatic enough, there is a whole fantastic world around them that underlines their impressiveness. The ruins are located near an assembly of cliffs, beaten by the all-powerful turquoise waters and pounded by Brittany’s mighty winds.

The Saint-Mathieu Abbey stands a lonely ground, generally disconnected from the rest of the world – both physically and atmospherically. The place feels like the perfect middle-age fantasy material, and you won’t be able to help but expect the dragons to fly in any minute now.

At dusk, the magnificent vestiges are lit up by the lighthouse gleam, making them an even more unearthly place of haunting beauty.

When reality hits in

When the real world starts slowly coming back, you will be welcome to visit the nearby seaside resort of Plougonvelin – an excellent place to experience an authentic Breton holiday while sunbathing, grabbing an exquisite meal, and staying in a cozy accommodation just at the fringe of reality.

5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

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5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

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We can say many things about the history and design of the abandoned Abbey of Saint-Mathieu, and we surely won’t forget to mention them later. There is but something even more enthralling about the place – this is its captivating vibe, authentic spirit, and majestic vitality that will instantly reel every visitor’s senses.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu is about what you see, but even more about what you feel. So here is what we witnessed, what we experienced, and how we endured it.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu – history, and essence

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu was once a Breton monastery, the ruins of which are nowadays found in the commune of Plougonvelin on Pointe Saint-Mathieu. The landmark is located in the department of Finistère – a part of Brittany France.

According to an old local fable, the original monastery was established on the spot by Saint Tanguy as far back as the 6th century. The place was dedicated to Saint Matthew the Evangelist; it stored his relics, and its walls housed his skull. It later remained undestroyed during the Roman times and was fully revived by the Maurists sometime during the 17th century. 

The remains of the ancient abbey are being watched over by a stunning newly built lighthouse, which further supplements the enigmatic atmosphere.

The situation and natural surroundings of Saint-Mathieu Abbey

As if the ruins themselves are not dramatic enough, there is a whole fantastic world around them that underlines their impressiveness. The ruins are located near an assembly of cliffs, beaten by the all-powerful turquoise waters and pounded by Brittany’s mighty winds.

The Saint-Mathieu Abbey stands a lonely ground, generally disconnected from the rest of the world – both physically and atmospherically. The place feels like the perfect middle-age fantasy material, and you won’t be able to help but expect the dragons to fly in any minute now.

At dusk, the magnificent vestiges are lit up by the lighthouse gleam, making them an even more unearthly place of haunting beauty.

When reality hits in

When the real world starts slowly coming back, you will be welcome to visit the nearby seaside resort of Plougonvelin – an excellent place to experience an authentic Breton holiday while sunbathing, grabbing an exquisite meal, and staying in a cozy accommodation just at the fringe of reality.

5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

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5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

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Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France

We can say many things about the history and design of the abandoned Abbey of Saint-Mathieu, and we surely won’t forget to mention them later. There is but something even more enthralling about the place – this is its captivating vibe, authentic spirit, and majestic vitality that will instantly reel every visitor’s senses.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu is about what you see, but even more about what you feel. So here is what we witnessed, what we experienced, and how we endured it.

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu – history, and essence

The Abbey of Saint-Mathieu was once a Breton monastery, the ruins of which are nowadays found in the commune of Plougonvelin on Pointe Saint-Mathieu. The landmark is located in the department of Finistère – a part of Brittany France.

According to an old local fable, the original monastery was established on the spot by Saint Tanguy as far back as the 6th century. The place was dedicated to Saint Matthew the Evangelist; it stored his relics, and its walls housed his skull. It later remained undestroyed during the Roman times and was fully revived by the Maurists sometime during the 17th century. 

The remains of the ancient abbey are being watched over by a stunning newly built lighthouse, which further supplements the enigmatic atmosphere.

The situation and natural surroundings of Saint-Mathieu Abbey

As if the ruins themselves are not dramatic enough, there is a whole fantastic world around them that underlines their impressiveness. The ruins are located near an assembly of cliffs, beaten by the all-powerful turquoise waters and pounded by Brittany’s mighty winds.

The Saint-Mathieu Abbey stands a lonely ground, generally disconnected from the rest of the world – both physically and atmospherically. The place feels like the perfect middle-age fantasy material, and you won’t be able to help but expect the dragons to fly in any minute now.

At dusk, the magnificent vestiges are lit up by the lighthouse gleam, making them an even more unearthly place of haunting beauty.

When reality hits in

When the real world starts slowly coming back, you will be welcome to visit the nearby seaside resort of Plougonvelin – an excellent place to experience an authentic Breton holiday while sunbathing, grabbing an exquisite meal, and staying in a cozy accommodation just at the fringe of reality.

5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

Where is it on the Map?

5 Rue des Moines, 29217 Plougonvelin, France

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