Alligator Bay in France: visiting the largest group of crocodiles, alligators, and reptiles in Europe
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Mississippi Albinos Alligators, Nile Crocodiles, Yakare Caymans, Giant African Tortoises, Fijian Iguanas, and Ethiopian Vipers are not exactly a common view in the country of classical art museums, exquisite fashion houses, and excellent wines, are they?

Not until you plan your trip to Beauvoir and get an instant teleport to the deep African Jungles and lush Louisiana forests.

What is Alligator Bay?

Alligator bay is an animal park, founded back in 1994 by Jean-Pierre Macé – a person who was, above all, genuinely enthusiastic about collecting reptiles. A few decades later, his private collection evolved to a public zoo that hosts 700 animals from 5 different continents.

The “Alligator Bay” is divided into three separate sectors: The Alligator Greenhouse, The Turtle Farm, and the Labyrinth of Dragons. All of them are accessible to the public and included in the price of a single ticket.

Planning your visit – the basics

Alligator bay is open for visitors all-year-round, yet it has differing opening hours throughout the seasons.

Generally speaking, the park is fully functioning all day long throughout the summer season, while in the winter, it opens in the afternoons only. In December and January, it opens only on Saturdays and Sundays. Keeping that general info in mind, you can always go to the official website of Alligator Bay and get further details.

The zoo offers free car and bus parking, as well as full accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Visitors can enjoy the convenience of a particular baby care area, as well as several private restrooms equipped with microwaves.

What else is there to do around?

If paying a visit to 700 different specimens sounds somewhat insufficient to you, don’t worry – there is a lot more to that in Alligator Bay!

Some of the additional ways to have fun and enjoy your visit to the fullest include:

  • Animal feeding sessions, during which visitors can witness the “snacks” of the snakes, the lizards, the tortoises, and, of course, the crocodiles and alligators
  • A children playground, equipped with exciting activity areas
  • A dinosaur park with giant 3D models of a T-Rex, a Brachiosaurus, a Triceratops, and more
  • A picnic area for your family to enjoy the sunny weather while grabbing a snack
  • A catering space with delicious chocolate bars, ice cream, biscuits, bakery, and other little bits of pleasure.

So, haven’t you purchased your ticket yet?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

Where is it on the Map?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

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Mississippi Albinos Alligators, Nile Crocodiles, Yakare Caymans, Giant African Tortoises, Fijian Iguanas, and Ethiopian Vipers are not exactly a common view in the country of classical art museums, exquisite fashion houses, and excellent wines, are they?

Not until you plan your trip to Beauvoir and get an instant teleport to the deep African Jungles and lush Louisiana forests.

What is Alligator Bay?

Alligator bay is an animal park, founded back in 1994 by Jean-Pierre Macé – a person who was, above all, genuinely enthusiastic about collecting reptiles. A few decades later, his private collection evolved to a public zoo that hosts 700 animals from 5 different continents.

The “Alligator Bay” is divided into three separate sectors: The Alligator Greenhouse, The Turtle Farm, and the Labyrinth of Dragons. All of them are accessible to the public and included in the price of a single ticket.

Planning your visit – the basics

Alligator bay is open for visitors all-year-round, yet it has differing opening hours throughout the seasons.

Generally speaking, the park is fully functioning all day long throughout the summer season, while in the winter, it opens in the afternoons only. In December and January, it opens only on Saturdays and Sundays. Keeping that general info in mind, you can always go to the official website of Alligator Bay and get further details.

The zoo offers free car and bus parking, as well as full accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Visitors can enjoy the convenience of a particular baby care area, as well as several private restrooms equipped with microwaves.

What else is there to do around?

If paying a visit to 700 different specimens sounds somewhat insufficient to you, don’t worry – there is a lot more to that in Alligator Bay!

Some of the additional ways to have fun and enjoy your visit to the fullest include:

  • Animal feeding sessions, during which visitors can witness the “snacks” of the snakes, the lizards, the tortoises, and, of course, the crocodiles and alligators
  • A children playground, equipped with exciting activity areas
  • A dinosaur park with giant 3D models of a T-Rex, a Brachiosaurus, a Triceratops, and more
  • A picnic area for your family to enjoy the sunny weather while grabbing a snack
  • A catering space with delicious chocolate bars, ice cream, biscuits, bakery, and other little bits of pleasure.

So, haven’t you purchased your ticket yet?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

Where is it on the Map?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

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Explore more nearby places in France, Normandy

Mississippi Albinos Alligators, Nile Crocodiles, Yakare Caymans, Giant African Tortoises, Fijian Iguanas, and Ethiopian Vipers are not exactly a common view in the country of classical art museums, exquisite fashion houses, and excellent wines, are they?

Not until you plan your trip to Beauvoir and get an instant teleport to the deep African Jungles and lush Louisiana forests.

What is Alligator Bay?

Alligator bay is an animal park, founded back in 1994 by Jean-Pierre Macé – a person who was, above all, genuinely enthusiastic about collecting reptiles. A few decades later, his private collection evolved to a public zoo that hosts 700 animals from 5 different continents.

The “Alligator Bay” is divided into three separate sectors: The Alligator Greenhouse, The Turtle Farm, and the Labyrinth of Dragons. All of them are accessible to the public and included in the price of a single ticket.

Planning your visit – the basics

Alligator bay is open for visitors all-year-round, yet it has differing opening hours throughout the seasons.

Generally speaking, the park is fully functioning all day long throughout the summer season, while in the winter, it opens in the afternoons only. In December and January, it opens only on Saturdays and Sundays. Keeping that general info in mind, you can always go to the official website of Alligator Bay and get further details.

The zoo offers free car and bus parking, as well as full accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Visitors can enjoy the convenience of a particular baby care area, as well as several private restrooms equipped with microwaves.

What else is there to do around?

If paying a visit to 700 different specimens sounds somewhat insufficient to you, don’t worry – there is a lot more to that in Alligator Bay!

Some of the additional ways to have fun and enjoy your visit to the fullest include:

  • Animal feeding sessions, during which visitors can witness the “snacks” of the snakes, the lizards, the tortoises, and, of course, the crocodiles and alligators
  • A children playground, equipped with exciting activity areas
  • A dinosaur park with giant 3D models of a T-Rex, a Brachiosaurus, a Triceratops, and more
  • A picnic area for your family to enjoy the sunny weather while grabbing a snack
  • A catering space with delicious chocolate bars, ice cream, biscuits, bakery, and other little bits of pleasure.

So, haven’t you purchased your ticket yet?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

Where is it on the Map?

62 Route du Mont Saint-Michel Beauvoir, Normandie. Frankrijk ,50170

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