Combe Laval route and circus
Explore more nearby places in Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes., France

The Alpine balcony road above the world

Combe Laval route is among the most scenic and magnificent balcony roads running through the heart of the French Alps. The trail is cut in the giant cliffs between the Col de la Machine and St-Jean-en-Royans and delivers a fair balance between adrenaline and fascination.

Can you feel your adventurous spirit being moved yet? Here is all you need to know about the Combe Laval route near Vercos.

Combe Laval route and circus – history and specifics

The picturesque mountain drive stands at an altitude between 253 m and 1015 m. Nowadays, a vibrant tourist destination, the road was initially built between 1861 and 1898 to expedite the transportation of wood and increase the profits of the local forestry industry.

The tunnels, peaks, and views along the way are all stunning and genuinely uncountable. At its highest point, the balcony road overlooks the Orthodox Monastery, presenting one of the most worthy landscapes in France and Europe.

Due to its magnificent panorama, the Combe Laval circus is preserved as a classified site. It depicts the mighty beauty of nature and the strength of the human spirit that managed to tame the wilderness and make it all accessible.

Your visit to Combe Laval route and circus

A visit to the Combe Laval route and circus will undoubtedly take your breath away and give you an experience of a lifetime.

Anyway, you won’t be very delighted to pay a visit if you’re nervous about heights. The Combe Laval circus is included in multiple lists of the most dangerous roads in Europe, and we are not here to deny that fact. In some areas, the drive is looping and is only wide enough for a single vehicle. It is carved right into the limestone rock and is in multiple spots bordered by a hundreds-of-meters-deep abyss shielded by merely some little guardrails.

The road is accessible for both drivers and cyclists. It is sometimes closed during harsh weather conditions for reasons concerning safety. Logically, you should probably plan your ride during summertime when the trail is dry and firm since rain and snowfalls won’t do any good for you.

So! Pack your courage with your HD camera, and prepare for the mighty adrenaline rush of driving among the Alpine peaks. Still not sure what to expect? Good thing, we did a video for you. 🙂

Falaises de LAVAL

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Falaises de LAVAL

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Explore more nearby places in Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes., France
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The Alpine balcony road above the world

Combe Laval route is among the most scenic and magnificent balcony roads running through the heart of the French Alps. The trail is cut in the giant cliffs between the Col de la Machine and St-Jean-en-Royans and delivers a fair balance between adrenaline and fascination.

Can you feel your adventurous spirit being moved yet? Here is all you need to know about the Combe Laval route near Vercos.

Combe Laval route and circus – history and specifics

The picturesque mountain drive stands at an altitude between 253 m and 1015 m. Nowadays, a vibrant tourist destination, the road was initially built between 1861 and 1898 to expedite the transportation of wood and increase the profits of the local forestry industry.

The tunnels, peaks, and views along the way are all stunning and genuinely uncountable. At its highest point, the balcony road overlooks the Orthodox Monastery, presenting one of the most worthy landscapes in France and Europe.

Due to its magnificent panorama, the Combe Laval circus is preserved as a classified site. It depicts the mighty beauty of nature and the strength of the human spirit that managed to tame the wilderness and make it all accessible.

Your visit to Combe Laval route and circus

A visit to the Combe Laval route and circus will undoubtedly take your breath away and give you an experience of a lifetime.

Anyway, you won’t be very delighted to pay a visit if you’re nervous about heights. The Combe Laval circus is included in multiple lists of the most dangerous roads in Europe, and we are not here to deny that fact. In some areas, the drive is looping and is only wide enough for a single vehicle. It is carved right into the limestone rock and is in multiple spots bordered by a hundreds-of-meters-deep abyss shielded by merely some little guardrails.

The road is accessible for both drivers and cyclists. It is sometimes closed during harsh weather conditions for reasons concerning safety. Logically, you should probably plan your ride during summertime when the trail is dry and firm since rain and snowfalls won’t do any good for you.

So! Pack your courage with your HD camera, and prepare for the mighty adrenaline rush of driving among the Alpine peaks. Still not sure what to expect? Good thing, we did a video for you. 🙂

Falaises de LAVAL

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Falaises de LAVAL

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Explore more nearby places in Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes., France

The Alpine balcony road above the world

Combe Laval route is among the most scenic and magnificent balcony roads running through the heart of the French Alps. The trail is cut in the giant cliffs between the Col de la Machine and St-Jean-en-Royans and delivers a fair balance between adrenaline and fascination.

Can you feel your adventurous spirit being moved yet? Here is all you need to know about the Combe Laval route near Vercos.

Combe Laval route and circus – history and specifics

The picturesque mountain drive stands at an altitude between 253 m and 1015 m. Nowadays, a vibrant tourist destination, the road was initially built between 1861 and 1898 to expedite the transportation of wood and increase the profits of the local forestry industry.

The tunnels, peaks, and views along the way are all stunning and genuinely uncountable. At its highest point, the balcony road overlooks the Orthodox Monastery, presenting one of the most worthy landscapes in France and Europe.

Due to its magnificent panorama, the Combe Laval circus is preserved as a classified site. It depicts the mighty beauty of nature and the strength of the human spirit that managed to tame the wilderness and make it all accessible.

Your visit to Combe Laval route and circus

A visit to the Combe Laval route and circus will undoubtedly take your breath away and give you an experience of a lifetime.

Anyway, you won’t be very delighted to pay a visit if you’re nervous about heights. The Combe Laval circus is included in multiple lists of the most dangerous roads in Europe, and we are not here to deny that fact. In some areas, the drive is looping and is only wide enough for a single vehicle. It is carved right into the limestone rock and is in multiple spots bordered by a hundreds-of-meters-deep abyss shielded by merely some little guardrails.

The road is accessible for both drivers and cyclists. It is sometimes closed during harsh weather conditions for reasons concerning safety. Logically, you should probably plan your ride during summertime when the trail is dry and firm since rain and snowfalls won’t do any good for you.

So! Pack your courage with your HD camera, and prepare for the mighty adrenaline rush of driving among the Alpine peaks. Still not sure what to expect? Good thing, we did a video for you. 🙂

Falaises de LAVAL

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Falaises de LAVAL

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