Musée Mémoires 39-45
Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France

This World War 2 museum is one of the most beautiful in Brittany.

After paying the entrance fee you are free to walk around the bunker to discover the history of WW2.
This 5 floor bunker has a complete museum built in, focused on the personal view of that time.
One room is equipped with special effects to give you an idea of a bombing experience. 
Even it may feel a little claustrophobic for some people it definitely will make you realise how it was for a lot of people. 

Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

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Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

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Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France
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This World War 2 museum is one of the most beautiful in Brittany.

After paying the entrance fee you are free to walk around the bunker to discover the history of WW2.
This 5 floor bunker has a complete museum built in, focused on the personal view of that time.
One room is equipped with special effects to give you an idea of a bombing experience. 
Even it may feel a little claustrophobic for some people it definitely will make you realise how it was for a lot of people. 

Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

Where is it on the Map?

Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

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Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France

This World War 2 museum is one of the most beautiful in Brittany.

After paying the entrance fee you are free to walk around the bunker to discover the history of WW2.
This 5 floor bunker has a complete museum built in, focused on the personal view of that time.
One room is equipped with special effects to give you an idea of a bombing experience. 
Even it may feel a little claustrophobic for some people it definitely will make you realise how it was for a lot of people. 

Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

Where is it on the Map?

Musée Mémoires 39-45, Plougonvelin, France

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