Pointe Du Grouin
Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France

The headlands of daydreaming

La Pointe du Grouin is a scenic rocky headland, indicating the westernmost point of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in Brittany, France.

Visitors of the virgin wind-beaten sea cliffs are readily seized by a mesmerizing panorama. To the north – a picturesque skyline, mottled by a little group of peaking islands, inaccessible to human beings, and a noble lighthouse, marking this unearthly scenery like a reality stamp. To the east – the sea horizon, immaculate and borderless.

La Pointe du Grouin is valued as an outstanding ornithological observatory, as well as an off-beat natural outlet that had successfully managed to preserve its authentic vibe throughout the course of history. The charming coves, sandy lagoons, and crystal marine constitute a spirit of peaceful tranquility, appreciated by both locals and adventurers from all over the globe.

Are you starting to feel inspired already? Because there is a lot more, we can tell you about this enchanting space balancing at the tip of the daydream.

The last checkpoint between reality and fiction

An interesting fact about La Pointe du Grouin is that the place actually inspired the creation of at least one distinctive piece of art we know of. The mischievous author Colette was invigorated by his seaside retreats around La Pointe du Grouin and wrote a compelling novel on the juvenile loss of innocence. Le Blé en Herbe (Green Wheat) tells a sensual story of seduction and predatory, of growing up and staying still the same.

The vivid invocations of the Brittany shoreline are not just a fine background to the story but also a powerful motif triggering a reaction in both the characters and the readers. Because La Pointe du Grouin and its surroundings feel like an invisible umbilical cord, it connects the human being with its deeply concealed instincts – of being free, of being reckless.

And once you set foot on the paths of the headland, you will inevitably start feeling its bittersweet sorcery yourself – the feeling of being plugged off from the 21st century and plugged back in where you belong. Between the murmur of the waves. Among the dancing leaves of grass. Amidst the caress of the breeze.

At La Pointe du Grouin, time doesn’t matter, and almost nothing actually does. Except for you, breathing the winds in that very moment, on the headlands of daydreaming.

Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

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Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

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Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France
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The headlands of daydreaming

La Pointe du Grouin is a scenic rocky headland, indicating the westernmost point of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in Brittany, France.

Visitors of the virgin wind-beaten sea cliffs are readily seized by a mesmerizing panorama. To the north – a picturesque skyline, mottled by a little group of peaking islands, inaccessible to human beings, and a noble lighthouse, marking this unearthly scenery like a reality stamp. To the east – the sea horizon, immaculate and borderless.

La Pointe du Grouin is valued as an outstanding ornithological observatory, as well as an off-beat natural outlet that had successfully managed to preserve its authentic vibe throughout the course of history. The charming coves, sandy lagoons, and crystal marine constitute a spirit of peaceful tranquility, appreciated by both locals and adventurers from all over the globe.

Are you starting to feel inspired already? Because there is a lot more, we can tell you about this enchanting space balancing at the tip of the daydream.

The last checkpoint between reality and fiction

An interesting fact about La Pointe du Grouin is that the place actually inspired the creation of at least one distinctive piece of art we know of. The mischievous author Colette was invigorated by his seaside retreats around La Pointe du Grouin and wrote a compelling novel on the juvenile loss of innocence. Le Blé en Herbe (Green Wheat) tells a sensual story of seduction and predatory, of growing up and staying still the same.

The vivid invocations of the Brittany shoreline are not just a fine background to the story but also a powerful motif triggering a reaction in both the characters and the readers. Because La Pointe du Grouin and its surroundings feel like an invisible umbilical cord, it connects the human being with its deeply concealed instincts – of being free, of being reckless.

And once you set foot on the paths of the headland, you will inevitably start feeling its bittersweet sorcery yourself – the feeling of being plugged off from the 21st century and plugged back in where you belong. Between the murmur of the waves. Among the dancing leaves of grass. Amidst the caress of the breeze.

At La Pointe du Grouin, time doesn’t matter, and almost nothing actually does. Except for you, breathing the winds in that very moment, on the headlands of daydreaming.

Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

Where is it on the Map?

Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

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Explore more nearby places in Brittany, France

The headlands of daydreaming

La Pointe du Grouin is a scenic rocky headland, indicating the westernmost point of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay in Brittany, France.

Visitors of the virgin wind-beaten sea cliffs are readily seized by a mesmerizing panorama. To the north – a picturesque skyline, mottled by a little group of peaking islands, inaccessible to human beings, and a noble lighthouse, marking this unearthly scenery like a reality stamp. To the east – the sea horizon, immaculate and borderless.

La Pointe du Grouin is valued as an outstanding ornithological observatory, as well as an off-beat natural outlet that had successfully managed to preserve its authentic vibe throughout the course of history. The charming coves, sandy lagoons, and crystal marine constitute a spirit of peaceful tranquility, appreciated by both locals and adventurers from all over the globe.

Are you starting to feel inspired already? Because there is a lot more, we can tell you about this enchanting space balancing at the tip of the daydream.

The last checkpoint between reality and fiction

An interesting fact about La Pointe du Grouin is that the place actually inspired the creation of at least one distinctive piece of art we know of. The mischievous author Colette was invigorated by his seaside retreats around La Pointe du Grouin and wrote a compelling novel on the juvenile loss of innocence. Le Blé en Herbe (Green Wheat) tells a sensual story of seduction and predatory, of growing up and staying still the same.

The vivid invocations of the Brittany shoreline are not just a fine background to the story but also a powerful motif triggering a reaction in both the characters and the readers. Because La Pointe du Grouin and its surroundings feel like an invisible umbilical cord, it connects the human being with its deeply concealed instincts – of being free, of being reckless.

And once you set foot on the paths of the headland, you will inevitably start feeling its bittersweet sorcery yourself – the feeling of being plugged off from the 21st century and plugged back in where you belong. Between the murmur of the waves. Among the dancing leaves of grass. Amidst the caress of the breeze.

At La Pointe du Grouin, time doesn’t matter, and almost nothing actually does. Except for you, breathing the winds in that very moment, on the headlands of daydreaming.

Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

Where is it on the Map?

Pointe du Grouin Cancale, Bretagne. Frankrijk ,35260

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