Normandy Bridge
Explore more nearby places in France, Normandy

The Normandy Bridge is a nice piece of art that was opened in 1995.

At that time it was the longest cable-stayed bridge but even now it’s still worthy of a visit.
If you go south from Le Havre there is a parking where you can have a look from the foot-bridge. 
From there you have a nice overview standing on the center in front of the bridge and if you stand on the side you can see Honfleur on the left and the port of Le Havre on the right.

Crossing the bridge by car is only possible if you pass the toll booth.


  • The total length is 2143,21 meters
  • Longest span is 856 meters
  • Construction took 7 years
  • Longest cable-stayed bridge in 1995
Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

Where is it on the Map?

Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

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Explore more nearby places in France, Normandy
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The Normandy Bridge is a nice piece of art that was opened in 1995.

At that time it was the longest cable-stayed bridge but even now it’s still worthy of a visit.
If you go south from Le Havre there is a parking where you can have a look from the foot-bridge. 
From there you have a nice overview standing on the center in front of the bridge and if you stand on the side you can see Honfleur on the left and the port of Le Havre on the right.

Crossing the bridge by car is only possible if you pass the toll booth.


  • The total length is 2143,21 meters
  • Longest span is 856 meters
  • Construction took 7 years
  • Longest cable-stayed bridge in 1995
Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

Where is it on the Map?

Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

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Explore more nearby places in France, Normandy

The Normandy Bridge is a nice piece of art that was opened in 1995.

At that time it was the longest cable-stayed bridge but even now it’s still worthy of a visit.
If you go south from Le Havre there is a parking where you can have a look from the foot-bridge. 
From there you have a nice overview standing on the center in front of the bridge and if you stand on the side you can see Honfleur on the left and the port of Le Havre on the right.

Crossing the bridge by car is only possible if you pass the toll booth.


  • The total length is 2143,21 meters
  • Longest span is 856 meters
  • Construction took 7 years
  • Longest cable-stayed bridge in 1995
Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

Where is it on the Map?

Pont de Normandie Honfleur, Normandie. Frankrijk ,14600

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